
Embracing the future with Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the future, and it’s here, today.

But what should you look out for? What does Web 3.0 actually mean? Well, there are a lot of advancements and innovations to cover, but let’s start with what Web 1.0 was, so we can clearly identify how ‘The Internet’ has evolved over time.

The Creation of Web 1.0

In the 1990s, Web 1.0 was created, mostly composed of web pages joined together with hyperlinks and lacking the functionality and aesthetics that we experience today.

Many experts in the Internet sector refer to Web 1.0 as ‘read-only’ because it wasn’t very interactive.

The Launch of Web 2.0

In the mid-2000s, Web 2.0 was launched. This was the second generation of the internet – an evolved version of the very basic Web 1.0. Interactivity, agility, and the ability for almost anyone to create content and internet spaces of their own.

The rise of social networks and eShops have given people across the globe a chance to communicate. The expansion of big data and cookie tracking has given us even more insight into how people behave on the web.

This is the internet we know today. It’s the present, but it’s not the future.

So, what is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 was an idea first established in 2014 by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum -a decentralized, open source blockchain with smart contract functionality. It is already making strides towards full-time virtual realities and metaverses, cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens, and the deepest behavioural learning and big data we have ever seen.

In the last few years, potentially accelerated by the pandemic, the idea of ‘Web3’ has boomed. But this isn’t down to luck, or ‘good marketing’.

The basis of Web 3.0 is blockchain, the enhanced Quantum cybersecurity that many organisations and individual users have already adopted, and user-generated content. Web 3.0 is giving everyone a chance to not only own a small corner of the internet, but to profit, manage, and develop their own ideas and digital creativity.


Blockchain is an established process and one that can be applied for other application use. Traditionally, transactional information is stored within a data repository, that is both centralised and protected. Contrastingly, Blockchain reverses this concept and operates on a peer-to-peer level of encryption across a shared network database, allowing many data instances, which are typically distributed in a ledger account. The phenomenon here is, the more widespread and distributed the data, the better the performance and the security and also, the less chance data can be individually targeted.


NFTs are allowing users to create digital content, that is no longer simple data. NFTs are digital assets created, owned and user-managed via blockchain. We’re looking to secure this validation process and create a fairer digital ecosystem – and you can find out more about that here.

The Metaverse

The next huge advancement that we’d like to take this opportunity to mention is the metaverse. Facebook made a huge decision to rebrand their parent company to Meta, and then dive head-first into the network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection and escapism, that are available now.

Social media channels are going to blend into virtual reality universes and allow end-users to live in the real and digital worlds concurrently, as themselves or an alias. It could be problematic, but if social media networks play their cards right, they could provide global communication to the masses and invent an entirely new reality. But is that safe?


Quantum Vs. Quantum – staying safe on Web 3.0

Although Web 3.0 is full of advancements in global communication and social interaction, end-users are becoming ever more exposed to a host of cyber threats. As Quantum computers get more powerful, they unlock the ability to bypass existing key distribution solutions, and therefore breach or steal data. Researchers have demonstrated that quantum algorithms have the potential to crack any traditional cryptography keys, which for now are too mathematically difficult for classical computers to break.


A classical computation is like a solo voice… A quantum computation is like a symphony.

Seth Lloyd, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Physics

The only way to fight bad Quantum computers is with good Quantum computers. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Quantum computing is such a huge part of Web 3.0, but we want to use its power for good.

Our technology is specifically designed to harness the potential of Quantum computing and apply it to develop incredibly powerful Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Encryption and Data Discovery capabilities. In doing this, we’ve created a platform which can solve more complex challenges and deliver insights deeper than our clients could previously dream about. It’s also secure against other quantum threats!

With quantum computers capable of handling and processing much larger datasets, AI and machine-learning applications, in general, are set to benefit hugely with faster training times and more capable algorithms.

In the long term, Web 3.0 is advancing the ways we live, communicate, and browse the internet. But securing your DigitalDNA is the first step to a safe Web 3.0 life.

Quantum Intell