
CIP: Combining IAM and PAM with AI to make an intelligent and secure platform

The advent of an Identity First platform that incorporates both IAM and a PAM solution set has always been the pinnacle for Identity developers. It is interesting to read recently, that it’s suggested as the next iteration for the ‘Identities Roadmap’ by Gartner. Making so much sense, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that the combination of an IAM and PAM solution is the next rational measure for business. For so many years in the industry we have believed this to be the utopia, yet it has taken us all so long to get here! (CIP: Converged Identity Platform)

One of the challenges for many players is a focus either on one or the other, as it was felt each had to be specialists in their craft. However, the two sit neatly together and rationally need to be synergetic as we move forward in our growing need for joined up security. Linking the two as two separated modules is more difficult than ever. Each creates dominance over the other and doesn’t want to be left behind after the party has finished! Let’s challenge the concept firstly of the need to operate the two, and then look at where and why the development of a converged platform will take over our cyber solutions in the next few years?

To challenge the blurred lines where one stops and the other starts, let’s start by suggesting that the new world of Policy driven accountability drives the need for both solutions, together. Firstly, PAM cannot be enforced and challenged without a proven identity, and PAM stands exposed as just a privileged system. By widening the scope and taking the usability and convenience of ‘single sign-on’ into one, you can automatically be taken through to all the others you are designated to access, and then follow this with unapproved activity within one of these applications or repositories. This is where privilege checking, and session capture, prevails. Many examples like this continue where IAM and PAM overlap and should be offered as a packaged solution integrated as one pane of glass and managed by one system of policy driven practices.

So where does Quantum AI sit with CIP? On one level, within the Digital DNA series, is a converged IAM and PAM platform with one additional asset being Intelligence, and hence, iCIP is for organisations like Quantum AI that bring Intelligence (in the shape of AI) to Cybersecurity, either as a plug-in for existing PAM/IAM solutions, or alongside its own platform.

Managing the user through edge computing means the storage of personal information isn’t accessed by the organisation, so the users’ personal details cannot be used inappropriately or without consent, importantly it’s personal and stays personal and not in the bunker of a corporate database. Whereas with the applications being accessed and the data potentially arriving from many repositories, Quantum AI ensures the users’ activity is in line with the policy, the usage is as permitted, and behaviour also simulates previous sessions of use and access, creating what we refer to as a Digital DNA – a benchmark footprint of the user and of the organisation.

Managing the user experience, access, use, and location is where our Machine Learning Engine starts the process. Combined with referencing across the wider data stores, a profile is created at the Edge and is referenced in every session, so furthering the individuals’ Digital DNA and updating the users’ benchmarks. Every action, every sound or keystroke speed, each application lookup or enquiry across a browser, all creates a deeper understanding of the user in their use of the devices, of the data, and the resulting user’s Digital DNA. This is deep personal intelligence derived from each minute of every hour, each hour of the day, and at each point creating a unique fingerprint of the user. So unique that like a fingerprint, it is unique to you and so the benchmark being set, is updated and stands for you as your virtual online identity. Your Digital DNA.

iCIP means to organisations, and to the individual, that your identity stays safe, that your location and personal information stays at the edge, and the data that you process is also being kept safe, secure, and private. (iCIP: Intelligent Converged Identity Platform)

In conclusion, taking the emergence of a converged platform of identity access management and privilege access management into one solution, makes a lot of sense. Providing our core AI capability to the solution, underpinning the monitoring, automation, and learning of the user creates a unique offering to the Cyber market that’s leaps ahead of where we have previously been able to take the sectors’ ability.

Welcome, AI as a power to do good, design the systems to protect the users and their data, and the organisation will in turn reap the rewards of the protection being made available with the latest modern techniques.

Once again, Quantum AI is bringing artificial intelligence to the mainstream, for good.

Quantum Intell